This model provides you maximum impact with your client, maximum flexibility and maximum recurring revenue with the freedom to package in whatever format works best with your clients.

Client data is protected on the application from the origin at the data center to the user’s internet browser.

Revision Date: May 14, 2022 – ETW does not restrict how you price your services. The following information is simply to share with you what packaging and pricing has worked so you can use this information to apply to your own business as you deem appropriate.

Paying Client Instance Request Form

Enter your first and last name.
Enter the unique name for your client's instance. No capitalization, spaces or special characters, usually the same as their company email address. Instance name cannot be changed once the instance is created.
Example: Client is ACME Distribution, Inc., it is recommended you use “acmedistribution” as their instance name
Enter the date you want your instance to go live. Note: You will be invoiced for subscription fees in the month your instance is created/goes live. There is no prorating of days within a month. You will receive an instance order form to confirm before your method of payment is charged. If payment method needs to be updated please do so in Stripe portal or email
It is REQUIRED to provide documentation showing your client signed an agreement stating they agree to abide by the terms of the “ETW Customer Agreement” found at

30-Day Trial Experience

Enter your first and last name.
Enter the unique name for your prospects's instance. No capitalization, spaces or special characters, usually the same as their company email address. Instance name cannot be changed once the instance is created.
Example: Client is ACME Distribution, Inc., it is recommended you use “acmedistribution” as their instance name
Enter the date you want your 30-day trial experience instance to go live. Note: Once ready to transition your experience to a paid client instance, send your client agreement to Your experience will be inactivated after 30 days if no client agreement is sent in. You will receive an instance order form to confirm before your method of payment is charged. If payment method needs to be updated please do so in Stripe portal or email

Thanks for your request!

We’ll be in touch shortly.